
Monday, December 22, 2008

All about Rhode Island's State Sanctioned Recycling Group

Like many states, Rhode Island has several ways to preserve resources and recycle materials when possible. The goal of the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation (RIRRC) is to reduce waste in their state. One of the best ways to do that is through recycling programs.

One item that people can recycle in Rhode Island is compact fluorescent light bulbs. These light bulbs are a great resource in the home, because they are going to use less energy and last longer than traditional light bulbs. When they die, though, fluorescent light bulbs should not be thrown directly into the trash can. Fluorescent light bulbs can be taken to Eco-Depot which is the RIRRC's free hazardous waste disposal program. To use this program, Rhode Island residents need to schedule an appointment either online or by calling the office directly. For those who want to quickly dispose of their compact fluorescent light bulbs, though, they can take them directly to a local Home Depot store.

Another area in which Rhode Island residents can help to preserve some resources is through the free recycling of e-waste. Each month, Resource Recovery holds collections for e-waste including computers, printers, cell phones, laptops, and other similar items. This monthly recycling of e-waste takes place at the RIRRC's Johnson headquarters. Fortunately, there are periodic collections of recyclable resources on other dates throughout the month for those who are from other areas of the state. The RIRRC also offers resources to recycle televisions. They also can be taken to the Johnson headquarters, but for the RIRRC to recycle your television there is a $5 fee.

For businesses that have resources they can no longer use, there is also the ResourceXchange program in Rhode Island. Businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and other groups that have a surplus of materials that would otherwise go in the trash can instead donate these materials to this program. These materials are listed on the ResourceXchange web site, and anyone who is in need of these materials can browse the listings and get the item or items they need. Items that can be found through this program include computer parts, paint, cardboard, and many other items that might otherwise end taking up space in landfills. Through this program, individuals who have the items can post listings telling about the item or items they have available, and those who want the items can post listings about what they want. Through the program, people can help to save on waste by reusing instead of throwing out all these items.

Another Rhode Island program that encourages recycling is Recycling for Rhode Island Education (RRIE). Through this program, any business that wants to participate in a recycling program can get a tax deduction that helps them with the costs of implementing a recycling program in their business. The RRIE will also help schools and teachers who want to teach about the importance of recycling and encourage recycling in the classroom. The RRIE will donate the supplies that are needed for teachers to teach students about the importance of making recycling part of their lives.

Beth Olignerf reports on weather and other problems that damages homes. See:

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