
Saturday, February 14, 2009

BOOK REVIEW: Green Jobs - A Guide to Eco-Friendly Employment by Bronwym Llewellyn

Green Jobs Not JailsImage by Brooke Anderson via Flickr

"Green Jobs - A Guide to Eco-Friendly Employment" Book Review by Dan Keller

I just finished reading "Green Jobs: A guide to Eco-Friendly Employment" by Bronwyn Llewellyn. I run a green jobs blog as well as a green jobs job board so I read several books like this per week. I must say that this is one of the better books in the category if not the best.

Green jobs are all the rage right now and the author does a great job of explaining what green jobs are and more importantly how to get one. The author combines useful job search tips with an explanation of the importance of helping the environment. Her passion for the subject spilled out onto the pages and helped draw me in to keep reading.

The best part of the book for me besides the amount of useful knowledge, was the easy to read and easy to follow format. I also like the fact the author presented a lot of information regarding the Internet and how it could help in the search for green jobs. She even provides website links for her readers.

If I can offer one criticism it would be that the book did have some dated information and was not the most cutting-edge book on the subject matter. A great deal of the book was spent on talking about older "green" topics like recycling instead of the future of green jobs like, renewable energy jobs, solar and wind, and bio-fuels.

In closing, overall I was impressed with the book and would recommend it for anybody who is looking to enter the green jobs industry.

Dan Keller is the CEO of the popular Green Jobs site . He also runs a Teen Forum where teens discuss social issues like the environment and social change.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi, very nice article. I am the student of Engineering-Energy, however at the end of your article you mentioned about the discussion part on social issues like environment and social change, i can suggest one more site ... this site is just an amazing platform to learn Green Jobs, CSR, Ethical Consumption, Social Business, Social Change etc Many blogs, feeds and specially many companies (Fortune 500) are associated with this site, just take a tour.
