
Saturday, February 7, 2009

CLIMATE CHANGE: Climate Change and the Coming Food Shortage - Alarmist or Factual?

Food and climate change day of actionImage by Cookiemouse via Flickr

Climate Change and the Coming Food Shortage - Self-Preservation in the Midst of Chaos by C. L. Carr

Are you prepared for the coming climate change? According to numerous sources, the world stands on the brink of an unprecedented and historical shift in weather patterns. One that will have a profound impact on life as we know it.

Listen to this report issued by the Observer of the Guardian News Service (U.K.) back in 2004, titled, "Now The Pentagon Tells Bush: Climate Change Will Destroy Us." According to the article, "Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters."

A secret report suppressed by defense chiefs and obtained by the Observer, warns that "major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a Siberian climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world. Disruption and conflict will be endemic features of life, concludes the Pentagon analysis."

There is now much emerging evidence suggesting just such a scenario - one not limited to any one region, but global in scope! A study in the U.S. Journal of Science found that "there is a 90% chance that by the end of the century, the coolest temperatures in the tropics during the crop growing season would exceed the hottest temperatures recorded between 1900 and 2006."

"The stress on global food production from temperatures alone is going to be huge, and that doesn't take into account water supplies stressed by higher temperatures," said David Battist, of the University of Washington, who led the study. Mr. Battist goes on to say, "You're talking about hundreds of millions of additional people looking for food because they won't be able to find it where they find it now."

These reports paint a very grim picture. These are not tabloids fomenting sensationalism, but conservative, well respected and professional news agencies and journals. These quotes are from scientists and Pentagon analysts! These analysts do not even take into account other threats to the global food supply such as economic turmoil or disease - which could greatly expedite their time-line.

Most disturbing about these reports, however, are that countries will develop nuclear capabilities in order to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. According to Michael T. Klare in his book, Resource Wars - The New Landscape of Global Conflict, "Wars will indeed be fought over these resources."

However, there is some good news. Every challenge brings with it opportunities. Every cloud has a silver lining. There are many strategies, which, if put into place will produce much good. Things like networking, food co-ops, community gardens. The sharing of ideas, man-power, knowledge and resources to aid and benefit all. The building of greenhouses and cold frames to guarantee that poor weather will not devastate your crop harvest. The saving of non-hybrid seeds and the knowledge of how to do so. There are many strategies to implement.

And sometimes it all seems too daunting to even try. But remember the Chinese proverb, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Take one small step - whatever that is for you. No matter how inconsequential it seems to be. Then take one more step. Then another step ... pretty soon, you'll be able to look back on your progress with a sense of real accomplishment. This will encourage you to keep going. And this will encourage others to follow your example as well! This is how families, communities, and even nations are built.

So take heart, and proceed one step at a time. By taking action, we will not be frozen with fear when this climate change becomes a reality.

C.L. Carr is a free-lance writer and advocate of health related issues. Interests and expertise include: living off the grid, growing and preserving of food, and survival. For more timely and helpful tips in these and other areas, go to or

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