
Saturday, February 14, 2009

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY: Searching for Cleaner Forms of Energy

We Need Renewable Energy - Not Foreign Fossil ...Image by ^Berd via Flickr

Moving Forward - The Search For Cleaner Energy by Vincent A. D'Errico

The condition of our environment and the health of its inhabitants has been a growing issue for cultures throughout the world for the past decade.

This is not just a concern amongst Americans however. While other countries have been advancing in terms of clean and renewable energy sources over the past few years, America is being held captive in the age of oil by corruption and the fear that the bank accounts of the oil giants may experience a dramatic weight loss.

When it comes to human beings, obesity is a very bad thing which is discouraged by anyone who has at least some sense of health. Unfortunately, obesity of our wallets is a completely different story and some people will go to great lengths to ensure their wallets remain fat. This is sometimes accomplished at the expense of 'we, the people' and our struggling environment.

The past eight years have been a struggle for organizations such as the Environmental Defense Fund to create positive changes in our country. Bush, along with his partner in crime Cheney, did all they could to prevent the downfall of fossil fuels. Now, we have an amazing opportunity to get the wheels in motion and stop the destruction of our environment before it spirals out of control. It looks as if we can now move forward towards cleaner fuels with the help of President Obama.

The future of our species may depend upon the decisions made by our new president and by members of congress. If we follow our current path, some of our planet's most beautiful inhabitants may die out, for example, species such as the polar bear which depend upon its cold environment for its survival. We must now make the decision to adopt cleaner energy sources both for the sake of our species and for the sake of the other species with whom we share this planet.

Countries like Holland and Japan now have water-powered cars which not only reduce pollution and spares our atmosphere; this also saves the average person thousands of dollars per year on the cost of fuel and even on the cost of maintenance. These water burning cars actually use hydrogen as a fuel.

A unit in the vehicle uses a bit of the electricity from the battery to split the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen. Of course, these water-burning vehicles have a much cleaner engine and require less maintenance than the obsolete gas guzzlers that plague our society today. It is evident that many societies are moving forward, towards a solution to the climate catastrophe, it it is clear that it is now time for Americans to join in and not get left behind because of special interests.

Viny A. D'Errico

Article Source:'Errico this post [with Zemanta]

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