
Sunday, August 23, 2009

CONSERVATION: The Bird Population is in a Global Decline

By Marina Benson

The bird population is declining every day and this is a global phenomenon. Recently studies done by BirdLife International (BirdLife.Org), show that more than 1,226 bird species are threatened with extinction.

You're probably reading this and asking yourself, "Why should I care for birds close to extinction?" They make our planet healthy and help our environment. Without these birds we would have an insect infestation.

Every day more bird watchers are losing their opportunity to hear the birds singing, watching them flying through the air and watching them feed their little ones. Contributing factors toward the loss of these birds include climate change, the loss of habitat, and the loss of forests.

Climate change is caused by the use of pesticides, pollution and changes in ecosystems. The loss of forests and habitats are caused by fire and by massive construction of houses, business, roads, etc. If you have noticed we are losing our forest little by little. Every day humans are becoming so greedy that instead of keeping our forests, they are destroying them to build businesses and houses to make more money.

There are a few things that we can still do to keep our feathered friends from disappearing. We could plant some trees and shrubs in our yards. The trees and shrubs are good sources of food, nesting and shelter. We should have a bird feeder full of seeds to feed them. We should have a bird house, so they can lay their eggs. We should have a bird bath for them to cool down their bodies.

Birds don't sweat because they do not have sweat glands. A bird's body temperature ranges about 7 to 8 degrees hotter than a human's body temperature. That's why we don't see a lot of birds flying around in the middle of the day. One of the things birds do to keep cool is to bathe in a local watering hole such as a lake, a river, a puddle or even a birdbath.

Keep birds around a little longer. Join a local organization dedicated to bird conservation. They are non-profit organizations and the money they get goes towards the birds' conservation and habitat protection.

My name is Marina Benson and I have been interested in feeding and housing outdoor birds for several years now. Because of my passion for these small creatures I have created a website with my husband to help others like me. Our website call

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