
Friday, September 11, 2009

ZEITGEIST: Earth's Revenge

By Ken Ray

The face of the Earth, everywhere you look, has changed dramatically over the last hundred years (a mere blink, in cosmological time). The Earth is our home. The only one that we will probably ever have. Yet we treat the Earth as a garbage dump. We pollute the waters, the air, the Earth, with disregard that we are actually polluting all of Earth's creatures in the process. Humans included.

The Earth can be thought of as a living organism in many senses. It also sustains many additional organisms from large to small. The Earth has been making many changes over the last several decades. You can see the changes. Many of the changes have been reported in the media.

These changes indicate that the Earth is making corrections to rid itself of the infection (Humans), that are causing the problem. In the long run, the Earth will survive. Life as we know it will probably not survive the onslaught of intense weather changes, severally polluted food and water, depletion of the Earth's ozone layer.

I'm a firm believer that humankind can indeed correct and reverse the course that we have set the Earth on. But do we have the will? After all this is our home. Do we have the means. Are we ready to make the sacrifices that are needed to reverse the course?

Hopefully, this will turn into a discussion on how we can save our home, before it wipes us out.

Blog about this at

Kenneth Ray, Environmental Biologist

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