
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shark Conservation and Why it is Important

By Mark Bottell

When it comes to conservation, many people decide that they are happy to help in saving the world's creatures. All too many of these people, however, want to help out with the cute, fluffy animals and don't give much time to those that they see as being dangerous or ugly. Shark conservation, however, is a huge issue and keeping certain species of sharks alive is a very important matter.

Why Do We Need Sharks?

Sharks are very important creatures, since they help to keep the balance in the oceans of the world at a healthy standard. As we grow up, we are taught about the food chain and how we need plants for the slugs, slugs for the frogs and frogs for the birds. If one part of a food chain no longer exists then it can mean that another member of the chain begins to overpopulate, or another one dies out. Although we think less about marine life, sharks are an integral part of life in the ocean, and to keep everything how it should be we need to keep them alive. As many people say; 'all species are on this earth for a reason'. Because of this, shark conservation intends to step in and keep everything as it should be and maintain a natural balance of species in the ocean.

What Can We Do To Protect Sharks?

There are many ways to help to keep the endangered species of sharks alive, and the more people who help shark conservation, the better. By raising awareness and campaigning against fisheries which may not be taking shark populations into consideration and contributing to species becoming more likely to be extinct, you can be playing your part in helping to keep the natural balance of sharks in the oceans. Alternatively, many people like the idea of helping out with shark conservation more actively by either observing or tracking sharks. This is a more hands-on approach to trying to keep species' of shark alive and, although some people are a little scared of getting up close and personal with these creatures, many find it to be an exhilarating and rewarding experience.

Shark Conservation Holidays

One way of not only helping shark populations, but also having an unforgettable time is to go on a shark conservation holiday. These not only allow you to get up close with these beautiful creatures, but also teach you a lot about marine life and will give you a great deal of interesting information. Aside from being a superb learning experience and helping to protect sharks, you can also benefit from having an amazing holiday that you can share conversation about with others, and something which will look fantastic on your CV. With a lot of conservation holidays to choose from, shark conservation is by far one of the most interesting and exciting. It pushes your limits as you get to see the sharks in close proximity in their natural habitat, and experience them for the majestic creatures that they are.

Mark Bottell is the General Manager for Worldwide Experience, an online tour operator offering extended breaks on shark conservation holidays and various adventurous gap years for adults.

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