
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Political Machine in Washington Prevents Cleanup in the Gulf

By Mary Funari

If you believe the propaganda that is pouring out of Washington, then you are buying in to what the political machine is selling. According to the power players in our country's seat of power, we don't have the capability to stop the oil spill in the gulf. This is really a crock of lies and mistruths.

The United States Navy has multiple staging areas with equipment and trained men and women, qualified to handle and deal with this horrific disaster. The United States Navy and The United States Coast Guard are the ones who cleaned up the Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska. The Navy has skilled deep sea drivers and other deep sea equipment at their fingertips. Why has it taken so long for our leaders to responded?

Our country received offers of help from more then 28 foreign countries and companies who have the equipment and ships at their disposal to help us. But, our leaders in Washington played politics and refused their help. With the scope of this disaster, it is unconscionable that our government would refuse these multiple offers of assistance. How utterly stupid that they would refuse offers to help, after all, how many times have we answered calls for help. Tony Hayward, CEO of BP had of offers of deep sea equipment from James Cameron, the director of Avatar. Let's not forget that Cameron is uniquely qualified when it comes to working in difficult situations.

Every day more and more damage is being done to the ocean, wet lands, and beaches. Our government is letting this disaster continue and they are letting the American public down. We expect our leaders to lead, not sit on their hands and cry "woe is me". If you don't have the guts to do the job, then step aside and let someone with real leadership ability get the job done. This admininstration is letting lives be destroyed with their lack of leadership.

The gulf and it's people are seeing their way of life destroyed and we get to watch our political leaders question Tony Hayward, CEO of BP on what he knew. Please, this is just more play acting out of Washington. Our so called leaders in Washington need to come down out of their Ivory Towers and get their hands dirty for a change.

This just seems like that the political machine in Washington is using this disaster to keep pushing their Cap and Trade Agenda. It's like political blackmail against the American People. The Governor of Louisiana, should tell Washington to stick it and just do what he thinks needs to be done and send President Obama the bill. If Obama can let stimulus money be spent on crap then he certainly can get stimulus money to Louisiana and other hard hit states to help with this oil spill.

Let's not forget that it was former President Bill Clinton who made them drill in 5000 feet of water. They originally wanted to drill closer to the shore, but was denied permission. So, if we are going to cast blame, lets start at the beginning.

As a working wife and mother, I am quite aware of the difficult times that we live in. With high unemployment, families in this country are finding in difficult to make ends might. Our political leaders in local, state and federal levels are too far removed from the average American to understand our concerns.

Time and time again we voice our opinion and the media ignore us or simple view us as simple minded. We tell our so called legislative representatives what we want or don't want and they either ignore us or bow to special interests.

While, one person can not turn the tide, I do have the Right ad ability to voice a perspective on the current political and social atmosphere in this country. To read more, you can visit my blog at:

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