
Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Rise of Environmental Consciousness in the UK

The carbon footprint.Image via WikipediaBy Nora Davies

It is vital that everyone takes part in doing their bit for the environment if impact is to be had on a global level. As one of the top 50 countries in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, the UK needs to make sure that they do their best in other areas in order to ensure that they do not contribute more to the worsening of the global environment.

Fortunately, the current government have plans in place in order to try and combat the past few decades' worth of ignorance we had, including more recycling schemes being offered and plans to cut both household and business waste and the use of landfill sites. It is also now necessary that shops sell only energy saving bulbs and that many other methods are in place to help us help the planet.

Being environmentally conscious can come in many forms. It is you buying locally produced fresh produce, which has a smaller carbon footprint attached to it, and your local shops enabling you to do so. It is you using public transport where possible and making sure that you are just as conscious of energy saving and recycling at work as you are at home.

It is easily possible in this day and age to make sure that the products we use are as environmentally friendly as they can be. The new recycling schemes mean that plastics can now be reused and some UK and global companies can now use this to package their products or make their shopping bags. IKEA, for example, use recycled plastic bags, as do many other companies. You can generally tell by their thicker quality. Household rubbish bags are also made from recycled plastic in many cases now. Just make sure you keep an eye out for products that you know use this technology to help them.

Everyone nowadays knows to use a cloth bag to take to the shops and carry home their shopping in (perfect for folding up and popping in a handbag or pocket too) and to make sure they switch off appliances at the mains, rather than use standby. Make sure you demand the same from the manufacturers and companies you trust to supply you with goods though. Ask about their carbon footprint or eco schemes and make sure you check out how they rank on the Times Green List and other ranking of environmental friendliness.

Most of all, just remember that what little effort you can make will make a difference. The UK is now making a conscious effort to be more environmentally friendly, so make sure to show your patriotism and prove that our country can make a difference.

Look out for the eco-friendly bags designed and manufactured by reusable bags company Bag It Don't Bin It. You can design and customise your bags to reflect your personality.

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