
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sustainability - Is the Environment Worth the Cost?

plasma-office_0007Image by Chris Daniel via FlickrBy Joshua Donchi

It doesn't matter where you are these days, the environment is on everyone's lips. "Go Green" "Carbon and Environmentally Friendly", "Global Warming", "Solar Power" and "Energy Efficient" are all phrases which are part of common vocabulary these days.

Can someone really "Go Green" for the environment and live a more efficient life, and at what financial cost? Some argue that the cost of not taking action is greater than any financial cost which may arise. Will the earth be around for my great grandchildren and if it is, what kind of state will it be in? More importantly, is there anything I can do about it. My answer to this is "YES".


Everyday I use appliances or machinery which have pollutants which continually harm the environment. Cars emit huge amounts of carbon dioxide which has a devastating effect on the ozone layer. Plasma TVs make watching TV more enjoyable, but with the average Plasma soaking up over 300 watts of electricity, is it really worth it?


When purchasing an appliance, make sure it is energy efficient. LCD TV's use a third of the power of Plasma's without really having a huge difference in picture quality. Always turn appliances off at the power point after using them (especially lights).

There are very simple things that, if we can all do, will help save the environment and your hip pocket. Simply by riding, walking or catching public transport to work helps reduce this number and majority of the time it's cheaper.

Purchase recycled products and then you can recycle them again after use if possible. Its very simple and recycled products cost less money and energy to actually produce and a lot of the time they are cheaper.
All these ideas so far are not only low cost, but have saved you money!


Insulating your house can be one of the best energy saving techniques. A well insulated house is always warmer in Winter and cooler in Summer, therefore reducing the need for air conditioners and heaters, two of the biggest users of energy. While this may cost up front, the savings over a period of time through using these devices, can get your money back.

So the word on everyone's lips "Go Green" is actually a very achievable thing for everyone to achieve without breaking the hip pocket. Remember "Going Green" does not have to cost you a lot of "Greens".

Discover the secret to sustainable living that won't cost the earth. Finally the secrets are revealed at:

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