Sunday, December 5, 2010

Solar Energy Facts Guide

The world's larges solar energy dish at the Be...Image via WikipediaBy Don Avery

Every hour our sun beams down enough energy to power the entire globe hundreds of times over. Using solar technology means utilizing the sun's rays to turn into usable energy. Although this power is so vast, it is only used to power one tenth of all the energy-consuming devices in the world.

Photovoltaic cells, more commonly known as solar panels, can be found on a variety of devices. Most people are familiar seeing them on calculators, rooftops, outdoor light systems, and space crafts. These panels are constructed from the same type of semiconductor materials that are found in a computer chip. When rays from the sun come into contact with these cells, it causes them to knock electrons from the atoms. Since electrons are for creating an electrical current, electricity is formed.

Solar power can often be seen in many home-sized devices, but it is also used on a large-scale. Thermal plants often use the sun's energy by concentrating heat on a specific area. Once the concentrated heat reaches a certain level, it can be used to boil water and power a steam turbine that generates energy. Although this design seems old fashion, it works very similar to a nuclear power plant and has the ability to power thousands of homes.

One technique for a full-scale design involves using very large mirrors to direct sunlight onto a pipe of oil that is running through the middle. Once the oil is hot enough, it is used to boil the water to start moving the turbines. Although this method is efficient, the mirrors can only be used when the sun is in a certain place in the sky. To get rid of this problem, manufacturers have built mirrors that can adjust throughout the day so they can get a maximum amount of heat.

Instead of using hot oil, some companies choose to use molten salt or a similar compound to provide energy for their machines. The rays are accumulated in a collecting tower, where an energy receiver is sitting. The molten salt then flows through that receiver, getting heated enough to start running the generator. Scientists are continually learning more solar energy facts, allowing them to create new and better ways to power homes cheaply. Once natural fuels start running out, solar energy will be required to run households, companies, and cities. Although it is presently expensive, it is a clean and efficient method.

Trying to get all the solar energy facts in one location can be frustrating. Please seriously consider the advantages of solar energy products.

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