
Friday, January 21, 2011

Eating Organics Is Good for You and the Planet!

Organic cultivation of mixed vegetables on an ...Image via WikipediaBy Deborah Brightstar

What does "organic" actually mean? Why isn't everyone demanding that all our produce be grown using organic farming methods? It is healthier for us and our environment. Once you find out you will never go back to commercially grown produce again, unless of course, you are complacent and just don't care about filling your body full of toxic chemicals while polluting our water, air and land. Why would anyone choose that when they have a healthier alternative? Organics are even convenient now. And, the more we demand them the more available and affordable they will become until there isn't any other kind of food available. Wouldn't that be nice? It is possible in our lifetime!

Organically grown produce is healthy for us and for our planet! When something has been grown organically, it simply means it was grown in a way that honors the earth-without artificial chemicals, in its natural state. Organically grown crops are healthier because they don't have any toxic chemicals on or in them. Organic produce is also more nutrient rich than commercially grown produce. That's because organic farmers respect the land and let it rest periodically so the minerals in the earth have a chance to be replenished for the next crop. When something is grown organically it is grown in its natural state and without harmful toxic chemicals that are killing us and our planet. Now why would you eat anything else? Something to think about.

Besides the fact that eating organic produce is healthier for us there are other reasons it is a good idea. Organic farming doesn't hurt the land and deplete the earth of its minerals like commercial farming does with all its chemicals and trying to get as much out of the land as possible to earn a buck. Commercial farming does not honor the land. Spraying our air and crops with toxic chemicals poisons us and pollutes our water, air and land. Why on earth would anyone choose that? Well, because America has become a country of "sheeple" who ignorantly, complacently, lazily buy what we are sold by big business. We as a nation have sold out our health, integrity and the health of our planet to capitalism. We have believed the lies big business has sold us and gone naively into the gas chambers of toxic foods that are causing all sorts of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

We have grown accustomed to hearing the phrase, "It's nothing personal. It's just business." Since when did we become so desensitized that we have been willing to sell out our humanity and compassion for the all mighty dollar?

Be alarmed and angry! Be very alarmed and angry and then do something about it. Take action with your choices, wallets and votes or else nothing will change and we will continue to become an obese, sick, bankrupt nation that is enslaved to other countries because we were too busy and lazy to care. Our choices of what e buy, what we say, who and what we vote for and the behaviors and actions we live our life by determine not only the quality of our lives but those of our neighbors and future generations. When we choose to buy and eat locally grown organic produce we are taking a huge step towards healing ourselves, our nation and our planet. So simple isn't it? Save the planet, eat organics!

Deborah Brightstar is a business owner and concerned health conscious citizen who volunteers, writes, teaches and educates anyone who cares and will listen about issues of heath, the environment and animal wellfare. She is passionate about making a positive difference in the world.

She owns and operates Doggie Diva Pet Care, LLC, a licensed, bonded and insured, pet sitting business in Tucson, AZ. She customizes her service with a, "We take care of your pets and home as if they were our own!" approach, providing the highest quality of care and service to all of her clients. Deborah's intention is to exceed her clients' expectations by tending to thoughful extra details to show she cares.

She shares her active, creative and fun-filled life and heart full of love with her two rescued greyhounds Kali and Dora and the love-of-her-life, Pepper, her English Springer Spaniel and Pet Therapy partner. In her spare time, she enjoys, yoga, meditating, reading, writing, hiking, wine tasting and traveling. For more information, visit her website at or follow her at

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