
Friday, March 25, 2011

Rio +20 - Environmental Earth Summit Update

The Earth flag is not an official flag, since ...Image via WikipediaBy Wendy Moyer

It's been almost twenty years since global leaders met at the 1992 Earth Summit Rio de Janiero. It was an event that captured the interest of the world as it created sustainable waves of interest in environmental governance.

For a lot of environmentalists the original Earth Summit began the global movement that, since that time has been focusing on environmental degradation. Several major international agreements concerning sustainable development were the result of 1992 Earth Summit Rio de Janiero.

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution in 2009 to hold UNCSD - the UN Conference on Sustainable Development - in 2012. The Brazilian government has once again agreed to host that meeting. They are calling it "Rio +20."

The people that are planning Rio +20 are hoping that this meeting will address climate change as well as toxic accumulation, freshwater pollution, marine ecosystems, and the accelerating loss of biodiversity.

The theme for the upcoming summit will be "The Green Economy." It's hoped that the international representatives at the upcoming summit will agree on a document that will guide worldwide sustainable development policies for many decades to come.

The conference will focus primarily on poverty eradication and sustainable development within the context of a green economy as well as formulating an institutional framework that will be used as a guide for sustainable development..

In the latter part of 2009 a report issued by the UN suggested that if were able to stop the ever increasing worldwide population that it will be a major help in fighting global warming.

At a United Nations meeting during the second week of January 2011 some proponents of the event proposed ideas such as introducing birth control and personal carbon quotas as a way to reduce global consumption.

A personal carbon quota is the maximum amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that each of us can release into the atmosphere a year without increasing the current level of global emissions.

It is envisioned that the conference will also establish a World Environment Organization (WEO). Some of its proponents believe that the mandate of the United Nations Security Council should also be expanded to include "environmental issues and their security related issues."

Fears have been expressed that if no action is taken to deal with climate change then we all will see an increased number of conflicts that are related to water and food insecurity.

In addition, if nothing is done, natural disasters are expected to increase. These disasters could make some parts of the Earth uninhabitable which would fuel increased migration. The US government believes that if this happens it could become a security threat to the country.

To find out more about Environmental Organizations go to

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