
Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Benefits of Living a Green Life

Spraying pesticide in CaliforniaToxic Pesticide Spraying - Image via WikipediaBy Joann J Carlisle

The benefits of going green extend far beyond saving the environment. Simple changes towards living a greener, more eco-friendly life also positively affects personal health and finances. It can also contribute to a positive change in the nation-wide economy and political climate.

The health benefits of eating organic produce over pre-packaged foods are immediate. Organic foods have lower levels of sodium, sugar, and fat, as well as fewer calories and none of the pesticides and herbicides used in commercial farming.

These pesticides pollute water sources by increasing algae and bacterial content, and have been linked to increased risks of cancers and neurological disorders. Organic produce is cheaper to grow by using only natural compost as fertilizer and poses none of the health risks associated with exposure to pesticides.

Using green products and energy sources in the home is also healthier. Homes built with green resources reduce occupants' incidences of allergic reactions (asthma, migraines, etc.) as well as the risk of developing cancer.

These "green" homes often use cotton insulation as opposed to fiberglass, exposure to which can cause skin infections and the growth of scar tissue and tumors inside the lungs. Many green houses also use paint with little to no VOC's (volatile organic compounds), which pose the same health risks as the pesticides found in commercial produce.

Despite common misconceptions, going green does not have to be expensive, but can actually save money. Energy Star appliances and programmable thermostats use less electricity, which can drastically reduce energy costs. Solar panels can almost completely eliminate a home's need for electricity and natural gas, eliminating energy bills after the initial investment.

Walking, biking, and carpooling are greener methods of transportation, save money, and can greatly benefit personal health. With fewer health hazards present in the everyday environment, the need for intermittent and long-term healthcare is also reduced, thus reducing medical bills and other expenses associated with health maintenance.

When these changes are applied on a larger scale throughout the country, the nationwide economy can benefit. The reduction in energy, transportation, and healthcare costs is not limited to certain demographics, and can id government spending. In addition, going green will reduce national dependency on foreign oil, which can save millions of dollars per year and the lives of thousands of soldiers and civilian workers sent into high-risk combat areas for oil drilling.

The benefits of green living don't just apply to the environment. They are direct, tangible benefits to health, the economy, and overall quality of life. For any citizen, the benefits of going green far outweigh the costs or effort of switching.

Joann Carlisle is a writer who looks forward to sharing her knowledge and advice with readers. For more on going green, Frugally Green offers readers tips for how to make green cleaning supplies.

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