
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Environmental Responsibility - Five Easy Tips

Compact fluorescent light bulbImage via Wikipedia

Help Save Our Planet by Following These Five Easy Steps by Laura Goyer

Solving the climate crisis is one of the biggest challenges we face today and although it is a daunting task, there are plenty of small things we can all do to contribute to the solution. Doing your part doesn't have to be difficult, expensive or time consuming. The items listed below are all free (most will actually save you money) and you can start right away.

1. Wash your clothes in cold water. With today's detergents, they'll come out just as clean as if you'd washed them in hot. If everyone in the U.S. switched to cold water, we could save more than $3 billion dollars in energy costs each year.

2. Turn down the thermostat in your home by 3 degrees. If you're used to keeping it set at 70 degrees, turn it down to 67 and put on a sweater. By wearing a little more clothing around the house, you could prevent the emission of nearly 1,100 lbs. of carbon dioxide in a year.

3. Drink your water from a glass instead of a plastic bottle. Not only will this help the planet, it will help you cut down on the amount of potentially harmful bacteria you're exposed to, and depending on how many bottles of water you normally drink in a day, it could also put a lot more cash back in your wallet.

4. Replace your light bulbs with compact flourescent lights (CFLs). They may look a little funny but they last 10 times longer and use 66% less energy than regular incandescent bulbs.

5. Check the air in your car tires. You can improve your gas mileage by over 3% just by making sure you keep your tires inflated to the manufacturer's recommended psi. Most vehicles list tire pressure requirements on the inside of the driver's door. And don't forget, having the proper tire pressure is also a crucial safety issue. If nothing else, do it to ensure your own future.

There are plenty of other things you can do to help reduce your environmental impact such as purchasing carbon offsets, lobbying politicians, or buying energy efficient appliances, but the five discussed here are easy and free. And that means there's really no excuse not to start living a little greener.

Get Clean, Go Green and Make Money Doing It. This article is written by Laura Goyer:

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