
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Using Water to Run a Car

Stanley Meyer's Water Fuel CellImage via Wikipedia

Water As Fuel For a Car by Robert L Stone

"Water as fuel for a car" should be on the headlines in newspapers all over our nation today, and all over the net as well. But it is nowhere to be seen. Why not? For some reason the car companies, oil companies, and the like don't want it revealed in the media, so it's ignored by all. But the fact is, water is comprised of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen, both of which happen to be flammable gases. Separate the two and you have the potential to release a huge amount of energy.

Conversion kits are commercially available to take advantage of some of this energy, but they are fairly expensive. However, you will offset the purchase cost of the system in a relatively short period of time and enjoy the savings long into the future. By using water as fuel for cars and trucks, and anything else that runs on gasoline or diesel, you will save not only money, but emissions are reduced as well.

These systems are not all that complicated. In fact, you can purchase all of the items to make your own from your local hardware store for less than $100. When electricity is applied to water (H2O), it forms a gas called HHO. Basically two hydrogen molecules, and one oxygen molecule in gaseous form. As the engine runs, the HHO is sucked into the vehicles fuel system, and into the combustion chamber. When the gasoline or diesel is ignited, so is the hydrogen and oxygen creating much more power. Fuel mileage gains will vary from application to application, but people have claimed 20 to 100 percent increase in fuel mileage.

Even though the media ignores this for now, they can't for long. They have been able to in the past because historically we have always had low fuel prices. After the recent public reality check of surging fuel prices a lot of people do not want to be caught unprepared again. It is time to start keeping more of our money in our own pockets instead of shelling it out to the oil companies, not to mention the government, which takes 3 times more money from us than the oil companies earn in profits.

Even worse, there are some Democrats in Congress who have proposed legislation coat tails of the issue formerly known as "Global Warming" to put little GPS units on our cars so they can charge us by the mile. Lately, they have stopped using the term Global Warming, and started calling it "Climate Change", because, every time Al Gore tells us we are destroying the earth with our "carbon emissions", or when the UN has a summit on the issue... it snows in parts of the world that it normally never snows! Now that's irony, folks.

Click here to find out more about doing your own conversion with parts from your local hardware store:

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