
Thursday, May 28, 2009

GREEN LIVING: Ways To Go Green And Save Money Too

The chart shows the energy usage for different...Image via Wikipedia

by Art Gib

In today's tough economic times, families want to save money any way they can, but they don't want to sacrifice their commitment to reducing their carbon footprints either. The two can definitely go hand in hand: here are some easy ways for families to go green while saving green!

Laundry and Clothing

Look for biodegradable laundry detergents and cut out all of the toxic products too often used on clothes such as bleach. Non-chlorine bleaches are an excellent alternative to the regular kind and they contain no harmful by-products and waste. Eco-friendly detergents cost no more than the regular kind; in fact, they are generally less expensive than the most popular brand-name products.

Use cold water and only run full loads when washing clothes. It is a waste of water and energy to run through an entire wash cycle only to clean a few articles of clothing at a time: better to wait till you have a nice, full load and do it once. Most clothes come perfectly clean in cold or warm temperatures, especially if they are pre-treated, and so there is no need to waste energy by using hot water.

How about setting up a clothesline and drying clothes in the open air like your great grandmother used to do? Dryers are notorious energy hogs, and drying clothes on the line could save you $150 a year.

Look for recycled "green clothing." There are great companies out there who are in the business of clothing America using only recyclable materials such as soybeans, corn, and even bamboo. You can get shirts, jackets, vests and all kinds of other high quality and durable products at reasonable prices and help the environment too.

Turn Off the Lights and Unplug too

It is a myth that turning lights on and off uses more power. Train your children from an early age to turn off anything electric that they are not using. Replace as many incandescent bulbs as possible with compact fluorescent ones. These CFLs use 75% less energy than their old-fashioned counterparts and last ten times longer. Although CFLs are more expensive to purchase, the savings in energy costs pays off in about three months.

Electrical devices that often sit unused but are still plugged in can zap energy and your electric bill without your even knowing it. Common perpetrators include TVs, home computers, toasters, and stereo systems. Even when these devices are not turned on, they are using electricity to the tune of about $100 a year. Either unplug these things when they are not in use, or invest in some power strips with a switch that can easily be turned on and off.

These are just a few of the many easy steps that families can take to not only save energy, but save money too. Going green definitely saves the green.

For the very best in affordable men's and women's green clothing made from recyclable materials, visit ArcMate Manufacturing ( Art Gib is a freelance writer.

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