North east Asian peoples are accustomed to their mobile homes now as they have always been. The Russian yurta, the Kazakh felt house, Kyrgyz grey house which is the color of the felt covering, and the Turkmen white house or black house - depending on its luxury and elegance, and the Pakistani gher, Afghani Kherga or Jirga, and the Hindi ghar all were and still are home for many peoples.
The yurt, a very superior tent in shape and build with its thicker walls, round or oblong shape, is more versatile, more home-like than any tent.
The original yurt, the portable, felt-covered, wood lattice-framed dwelling structure has found an enthusiastic following for present day yurts in European, and North American markets. Materials readily available in these parts of the world have replaced the felt or hide coverings available in the Asian countries.
The basic idea of the felt house is unchanged. The relatively straight, tall walls, the height of the roof dome with ventilation, the all season versatility and the undemanding simplicity of the home is very attractive to the camper and home owner. If you are looking for pleasing, affordable housing look at the yurt.
Try a yurt wherever you want a roof over your head. Do your children like to camp in the back yard? A small yurt can be their very own place which they could put up themselves. Don't build a house for family or guests; put a yurt in your backyard. It will be a new exciting pleasure for all who come. They might even help you to put it up in a day.
Its low cost, ease of erecting, simplicity of style and upkeep make it a very appealing choice whatever your needs.
Yurts, Living in the Round is an informative book on Yurts, written by Betty Kemery. It is well-illustrated with many photographs. You may be able to find it at your local library or bookstore. If not, Amazon carries it.
Enjoy a look at the whole yurt family. You will be charmed, tempted, and maybe start with a yurt campsite holiday.
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