There are very specific California water laws that regulate how and when H2O can be used in this state. Due to California's climate and topography, H2O conservation is vital to the survival of many California H2O districts that often experience a H2O shortage. Water is life in California. As such, H2O education is very important. Here are just a few things members of the H2O industry as well as all regular citizens of California should know about the laws that govern the usage of this valuable resource.
1. Water Conservation Is Now the Law in California
Governor Schwarzenegger signed a bill into law in 2009 known as the Water Conservation Act. This act now regulates how water must be conserved in both an urban setting and an agricultural setting.
2. Water Suppliers in the State Must Adhere to this Act
If certain entities do not adhere to the rules outlined in this act, there can be serious consequences. This goes for both agricultural suppliers as well as urban ones. Suppliers that disobey the act may be restricted from obtaining grants or loans for H2O in California.
3. Water Use Is Now Monitored in California
The act also mandates that both urban as well as agricultural H2O supplies must report to the Department of Water Resources about how much H2O they have used during different spans of time. This is done to make sure that these H2O suppliers are attempting to achieve the targets set forth by the department for better H2O conservation.
4. California Is a State with a Water Rights System
Due to common H2O shortages, many California laws have been passed to create a system that determines exactly who has the right to use what bodies of water in the state. This system is designed to allocate H2O to where and for what purposes it is needed most.
5. Most Water in the State Must Be Put to Beneficial Use
California's water rights system requires that H2O must be put to what is described as a "beneficial use" to be appropriated. This is done to prevent the needless wasting of the precious resource. Beneficial uses include things such as the raising of fish for a food source, the use of water to fight fires, recreational uses, consumption by the citizens of a city or town, and industrial uses.
6. Groundwater Is Often Not Actively Regulated
Specific rules regulate many different bodies of water in the state. However, ground water is one exception that is largely unregulated. However, if the ground water percolates to the surface, there are specific rules that determine how and when it can be appropriated.
7. Riparian Water Rights Can Supersede Other Water Rights
Certain water rights may supersede the rights of others to appropriate the use of that water. These are known as riparian water rights. These rights often exist for individuals or entities that own land that borders a water source.
For more information about Water Conservation and Recycled Water please visit Central Basin website now.
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