Sunday, August 15, 2010

Permaculture documentaries

Permaculture CoursesImage by London Permaculture via FlickrWATCH this film and you will get a very different view of Afghanistan, that landlocked country of mountain and plain that has been a zone of great power contestation since the Nineteenth Century.

The man responsible for the production is Gary Caginoff of Lysis Films, in Katoomba NSW. Camera in hand, he followed Permaculture designer Rosemary around Afghanistan to explore the difficulties and opportunities she encountered in her work in Afghanistan for the Sydney-based NGO, Mahboba's Promise.

Foe Permaculture people, perhaps the most interesting idea in the film is Rosemary's 'social permaculture'. You can find more, on this and read a review of the film at:
I pass on producer Gary Caginoff's message about the useful add-ons to the DVD...

Dear Russ,

Just to let you know that there is now a very comprehensive Study Guide on The Garden at the End of the World documentary now available for download free from the website:

The DVD and Study Guide, put together by Anitra Nelson, is relevant to a range of senior secondary and introductory tertiary courses, including: Asian studies, child welfare, civics and citizenship, conflict and conflict resolution, feminist studies, health and human development (VCE), human rights, human society and its environment (NSW), international aid/law/politics, journalism, peace journalism, media studies, modern history, permaculture, political science, psychology, religious studies, social work, society and culture, sociology, studies of society and environment (Victoria) and world history.

The Garden at the End of the World and the Study Guide will also interest many community and advocacy groups, especially those involved with social justice, peace, sustainability, international relations, overseas aid, ethics and permaculture.

Please join our Facebook page:

Thanks for your time.

All the best,
Gary Caganoff
Grad. Dip. Transpersonal Psychotherapy
M. Appl. Sc. Social Ecology
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